Only One Tour XML / API

XML term is being more and more used in travel industry. Usually it is term that most of suppliers don't understand and if you ask them, they probably will reply "please ask our technical staff, but if you ask techies they will come out with a very complicated explanation that would probably make you even more confused.

What is XML ?


XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. 
XML is a way of writing messages and sending data to remote computers so they can talk to each other. It is much simpler than it sounds. If your website is connected with Only One Tour B2B engine, and someone make a search in your webpage, your website will send an XML message to our B2B engine. Our engine will take your message, it will check the rates from our company and suppliers and send back an XML message corresponding to your customers searches. When user is ready to book and select the accommodation that he prefers, your website will send another XML message to our engine, with Customer details and Booking information. When our system gets your booking it will send you back confirmation together with all the necessary invoice and voucher details(all details are customizable, so they can suit your brand).


Important Point for your business.

The very important point here is to know that XML connection will bring more credibility to your website. Using such a technology, you can create a modern and flexible Travel website with your own desired look and feel without the need of investment in complicated and costly website services.


XML Integration Meaning


XML integration is basically a connector, that acts as a "translator" between supplier and agents, allowing different formats, markup or programming languages(usually XML) to be compatible. In this way information from a hotel supplier appear to your travel website. Also it doesn't matter how your database information is structured.


Only One Tour XML API


Hotel booking process can be a complex and difficult one. With a huge variety of accommodation options in every destination, each offering big amount of facilities and price ranges, the task of navigating through this maze can be extremely hard. Our API has been designed bearing these complexities in maind, it will simplify the job of small and medium sized travel agents. When the agent is booking a hotel, all the information they need should be available immediately - with us it is.